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Producer and DJ Jay Donaldson, also known as Palms Trax, brings his selections to NTS' Channel 1 for a two-hour session every other month.
A monthly transmission of displaced rock n roll, exotic punk and early electronics, paying favor to all things primitive and sleazy. LA visual artist Amanda Siegel delves into the international underground, offering a thorough sonic survey of protopunk, hard rock, synthpunk, powerpop, psych, industrial and more.
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Splinter Test was used as group name for Larry Thrasher and Genesis P-Orridge along with other Psychic TV musicians during departure of PTV and foundation of Thee Majesty. The name refers to an essay on sampling as holographic magick by P-Orridge.
Because nowdays is hard to findt text of whole manifesto of Splinter Test idea, here it is and hope it will prevail time:
Splinter test by Genesis P Orridge. It can be said that sampling, looping and re-assembling both found materials, and site- specific sounds selected for precision ov relevance to thee message implications ov a piece ov musics, or a transmedia exploration, is an All-Chemical, even a Magickal phenomenon. No matter how short, or apparently unrecognisable a sample might be in linear TIME perception, it must, inevitably, contain within it, (and accessible through it) thee sum total ov absolutely everything its original context represented, communicated, or touched in any way. On top ov this it must implicitly also include thee sum total ov every individual in any way connected with its introduction and construction within thee original (host) culture, and every subsequent (mutated or engineered) culture it in any way, means or form, has contact with forever…(in past, present, future and quantum timezones). "Any two particles that have once been in contact will continue to act as though they are informationally connected regardless of their seperation in space and time."- Bell's Theorem. If we shatter, and scatter, a hologram, we will real-eyes that in each fragmeant, no matter how small, large, or irregular, we will see thee whole hologram. This is an incredibly significant phenomenon. If we take, for example, a SPLINTER of John Lennon, that splinter will in a very real manner contain within it everything that John Lennon ever experienced; every that John Lennon ever said, composed, wrote, drew, expressed; everyone that ever knew John Lennon and thee sum total ov all and any ov those interactions; everyone who ever heard, read, thought, saw, reacted to John Lennon or anything remotely connected with John Lennon; every past, present and/or future combination ov any or all ov the above. All that encyclopaedic information - and the time travel connected with it through memory and through previous experience - goes with that one "splinter" of memory, and we should be very aware that it carries with it an infinite sequence of connections and progressions through time and space. As far as you may wish to go. We can all now maintain thee ability to assemble, via these "splinters", CLUSTERS of any era. These clusters are basically RE-MINDing. They are actually bypassing the usual consensus reality filters because they reside in an acceptable form ie: TV/film/musics/words) and travelling directly into "ahistorical" sections of thee brain, triggering all and every conscious and uncoscious reverberation to do with that one splinter hieroglyph. WE NOW HAVE INFIN&127;&127;ITE FREEDOM TO CHOOSE AND ASSEMBLE, AND EVERYTHING WE ASSEMBLE IS A PORTRAIT OF WHAT WE KNOW OR WHAT WE VISUALISE BEING. SKILL FULL SPLINTERING CAN GENERATE MANIFESTATION: THIS IS THEE "SPLINTER TEST". We are choosing splinters consciously and uncosnsciously to represent our own mimetic (DNA) patterns, our own cultural imprints and aspirations; we are in a truly Magickal sense INVOKING manifestations, perhaps even results, in order to confound and short-circuit our perceptions and reliance ov WHOLENESS. Anything, in any medium imaginable, from any culture, which is in any way recorded and can in any possible way be played back is now accesible and infinitely malleable and usable to any artist. Everything is available, everything is free, everything is permitted.ASSEMBLY is thee invisible language ov our TIME. Infinite choices ov reality are thee gift ov software to our children.
Splinter Test was used as group name for Larry Thrasher and Genesis P-Orridge along with other Psychic TV musicians during departure of PTV and foundation of Thee Majesty. The name refers to an essay on sampling as holographic magick by P-Orridge.
Because nowdays is hard to findt text of whole manifesto of Splinter Test idea, here it is and hope it will prevail time:
Splinter test by Genesis P Orridge. It can be said that sampling, looping and re-assembling both found materials, and site- specific sounds selected for precision ov relevance to thee message implications ov a piece ov musics, or a transmedia exploration, is an All-Chemical, even a Magickal phenomenon. No matter how short, or apparently unrecognisable a sample might be in linear TIME perception, it must, inevitably, contain within it, (and accessible through it) thee sum total ov absolutely everything its original context represented, communicated, or touched in any way. On top ov this it must implicitly also include thee sum total ov every individual in any way connected with its introduction and construction within thee original (host) culture, and every subsequent (mutated or engineered) culture it in any way, means or form, has contact with forever…(in past, present, future and quantum timezones). "Any two particles that have once been in contact will continue to act as though they are informationally connected regardless of their seperation in space and time."- Bell's Theorem. If we shatter, and scatter, a hologram, we will real-eyes that in each fragmeant, no matter how small, large, or irregular, we will see thee whole hologram. This is an incredibly significant phenomenon. If we take, for example, a SPLINTER of John Lennon, that splinter will in a very real manner contain within it everything that John Lennon ever experienced; every that John Lennon ever said, composed, wrote, drew, expressed; everyone that ever knew John Lennon and thee sum total ov all and any ov those interactions; everyone who ever heard, read, thought, saw, reacted to John Lennon or anything remotely connected with John Lennon; every past, present and/or future combination ov any or all ov the above. All that encyclopaedic information - and the time travel connected with it through memory and through previous experience - goes with that one "splinter" of memory, and we should be very aware that it carries with it an infinite sequence of connections and progressions through time and space. As far as you may wish to go. We can all now maintain thee ability to assemble, via these "splinters", CLUSTERS of any era. These clusters are basically RE-MINDing. They are actually bypassing the usual consensus reality filters because they reside in an acceptable form ie: TV/film/musics/words) and travelling directly into "ahistorical" sections of thee brain, triggering all and every conscious and uncoscious reverberation to do with that one splinter hieroglyph. WE NOW HAVE INFIN&127;&127;ITE FREEDOM TO CHOOSE AND ASSEMBLE, AND EVERYTHING WE ASSEMBLE IS A PORTRAIT OF WHAT WE KNOW OR WHAT WE VISUALISE BEING. SKILL FULL SPLINTERING CAN GENERATE MANIFESTATION: THIS IS THEE "SPLINTER TEST". We are choosing splinters consciously and uncosnsciously to represent our own mimetic (DNA) patterns, our own cultural imprints and aspirations; we are in a truly Magickal sense INVOKING manifestations, perhaps even results, in order to confound and short-circuit our perceptions and reliance ov WHOLENESS. Anything, in any medium imaginable, from any culture, which is in any way recorded and can in any possible way be played back is now accesible and infinitely malleable and usable to any artist. Everything is available, everything is free, everything is permitted.ASSEMBLY is thee invisible language ov our TIME. Infinite choices ov reality are thee gift ov software to our children.
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