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Los Angeles
07:00 - 08:00

Nick Malkin hosts Post-Geography, featuring ambient and atmospheric selections, live from the NTS studio in L.A.

New York
07:00 - 08:00

Georgia are Justin Tripp and Brian Close - and they make music, videos, films and performances from their base in Chinatown, New York. Tune in for a monthly hour of oddball electronics; whether ambient or fit for the floor…

Erik Lindgren

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Erik Lindgren

Erik Lindgren has been played on NTS in shows including The Windmills of Your Mind w/ Taylor Rowley, featured first on 9 February 2023. Songs played include Murder On Mass Ave..

Erik Lindgren is American composer and keyboards player. He runs Arf Arf Records, and has led (or been a member of) several ensembles: The Moving Parts, The Space Negros, and Birdsongs of the Mesozoic.

Lindgren attended Northfield Mount Hermon School, and received his BA in Music from Tufts University in 1976 where he worked with T. J. Anderson. In 1974–75 he spent his junior year abroad in London studying composition at the Guildhall School of…

Recently played on:
Murder On Mass Ave.
Erik Lindgren
Arf! Arf!1987
Murder On Mass Ave.
Erik LindgrenArf! Arf!1987