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for your ears only

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for your ears only

for your ears only has been played on NTS shows including Supporter Radio - Dreams, with Deaf To The Sound first played on 28 December 2023.

For Your Ears Only is the experimental solo project of Colin Casey ( Profile, Journal).

After moving from the East Coast of Canada to the West in the beginning of 2006, Colin began recording songs in his bedroom using an 8-track and a handful of guitars at his disposal. An inherently private person, he would occasionally share these songs with certain friends and family members back home under one condition - only they had permission to listen…

Passenger In Your Car
for your ears only
Not On Label (for your ears only Self-released)2023
Passenger In Your Car
for your ears onlyNot On Label (for your ears only Self-released)2023
Deaf To The Sound
for your ears only
Not On Label (for your ears only Self-released)2023
Deaf To The Sound
for your ears onlyNot On Label (for your ears only Self-released)2023