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Gianni Gebbia

On 6 August 2018, Gianni Gebbia was a guest on The Do!! You!!! Breakfast Show w/ Charlie Bones. Gianni Gebbia has been played over 20 times on NTS, first on 19 June 2016. Gianni Gebbia's music has been featured on 27 episodes.

GIANNI GEBBIA Alto & soprano saxophones - flute -various objects -

Born in Palermo - Italy- May 1st - 1961

FREELANCE COLLABORATIONS Evan Parker,Fred Frith, Louis Sclavis, Gianluigi Trovesi, Lindsay Cooper, Lars Hollmer, Sakis Papadimitriou, André Jaume,Steve Buchanan,Yves Romain, Dominique Regef, Jean Pierre Drouet,Sergey Kuriokhin, Vladimir Tarasov, AnatolyVapirov, Petras Visnaiuskas, Fred Giuliani, Vitas Labutis, Tadashi Endo, Masaki Iwana, Motoharu Yoshizawa, Julie Stanzak, Keiki Miridokawa, Heiner Goebbels, David Moss, Claudio Lo Cascio, Otomo Yoshihide, Antonio Carallo, Raul Ruiz, Noel Akchoté, Benoit Delbeq, Paul Rogers, Thierry Madiot, Guillaume Orti, Christophe Marguet, Hubert Dupont, Ernst Reijsiger, Henri Kaiser, Mari Kimura, Damon Smith, Garth Powell, Phil Gelb, Tim Perkis, Gino Robair, Tom Nunn, William Hooker, Lee Ranaldo, Jim O’ Rourke, Mimmo Cuticchio,Toti Garraffa, Floros Floridis, Lefteris Agouridakis, Antonello Salis, Pino Minafra, Salvatore Bonafede, Stefano D?Anna, Italian Instabile Orchestra, Peter Kowald, Gunther Sommer, Oliver Lake, Glen Velez, Enzo Rao, Tiziano Popoli, Miriam Palma, Lelio Giannetto, Vittorio Villa, Francesco Cusa, Massimo Simonini, Jim Meneses, Jean Marc Montera, Roy Paci, Francesco Cusa, Lukas Ligeti, Xavier Garcia, Nils Wogram, Michael Manring, Kazuhisa Uchihashi, Carl Stone, Shinichi Isohata, Ramon Lopez, Jon Raskin, Weasel Walter, Wu Ming 1, William Wynant. Note: I apologise for all the friends I am forgetting in this list, sorry.

FESTIVALS: Imola Jazz at the Rock, International Jazz festival Sofia Bulgaria, Palermo Fusion Time, Gibellina Etnojazz, Varna Jazz festival Bulgaria, Roccella Ionica Rumori Mediterranei, Total Music Meeting Berlin FMP 1990, Sibiu International Jazz Festival Romania, Wuppertal Jazzspektakel, B.I.D; Berlin, The importance of return tickets-Podewil Berlin, Faenza Folkfestival, S.Arcangelo dei Teatri, Noci Europa Jazz festival, Clusone Jazz, BolzanoJazz Summer, Metastasio Jazz 99, Mulhouse Jazz festival 96-98, Rive De Gier, Angelica Bologna, Jazz Bo-Bologna, Ayler Festival Roma, Concentus Musicus Firenze, Verona Jazzitalia, Macchina dei Rumori Palermo, Curva Minore 97-98, Dreamin' California Palermo 98, Suoni del 900 Teatro Massimo-Palermo, Festival Internazionale sul Novecento Palermo 98, Sord- Nud-Palermo 96, Palermo di Scena 96-97-98, Sicilia Jazzestate Catania, Festival Ibleo del Jazz Ragusa 93-94-95-96, Jazz aux Pyramides Welkenraedt- Belgium, Obiettivo Giappone Roma Palazzo delle Esposizioni, Europa Jazz Festival Le Mans-France, Jazz e interferenze Schio, Link Bologna, Druga Godba Lubjana-Slovenia, Ring Ring Beograd 98, Butoh Festial London 96, Theater X Tokyo, Contemporary Sicily-The New School New York, The Red RoomBaltimore,TimeFlies-Vancouver-Canada, Brooklyn College N.Y. Beanbender's Berkeley-California, Fimav 97 Victoriaville Quebéc- Canada, Les Inaccottoumés Paris- Menagerie de verre, International Jazz festival Saalfelden 1999, Controindicazioni 99 Rome, Icebreaker festival Wien 99. Japan tour March 2000, Usa West Coast April 2000 Portland, Munchen 2000, Noci fest. 2000, Womad in Palermo, Rive De Gier October 2000,Groningen Zomer Jazz festival, Butoh festival Palermo 2000, Curva Minore 2000 pa, Akut Mainz 2000, Rive De Gier 2001, Dansem Marseille 2001. Northsea Jazz Festival 2003. Le trois Jours Groningen. Jazz Nomades Paris,Mulhouse jazz 2004, Beyond the Innocence 2005-2006- Osaka.

AWARDS (premi e riconoscimenti):

4rth place 1988 Top Jazz poll " Musica Jazz " magazine 3rd place 1989 Top Jazz poll " Musica Jazz " magazine 1st place 1990 Top Jazz poll " Musica Jazz " magazine Artistic Director Festival di Musica Euroaraba, Palermo Palazzo Steri Artistic Director Palermo di Scena 1997-1998 International Summer Festival of the City of Palermo. Artistic program curator International festival " Curva Minore pratiche inusuali del fare musica " 1997-2000. Director of Objet-a series Stereo Supremo recording label. Articles, interwiews, rewiews appeared on: Musica Jazz, La Repubblica, L'Ora, Giornale di Sicilia, Panorama, Linea D?Ombra, Blu Jazz, Jazz, Improjazz, Jazz Magazine, Jazzthetik, Jazz Podium, Rubberneck, Jazz Hopt, Il Mucchio Selvaggio, Fare Musica, The New York Times (inter. by Ben Rattliff), Coda, The Wire, Jazziz ( S. Prestianni) Dec.98 issue, Il Manifesto, Frankfurter Rundschau, Penguin Guide of Jazz, Grove Dictionary of Music, European Free Improvisation web site, Margen Spain 2002.

SOUNDTRACKS (colonne sonore per video e film): " Solo " video by Salvo Cuccia Avalon prod. 1993 " Shiki " video by Salvo Cuccia Avalon prod. 1993 " Thriller ", " Dr;Jekyll and Mister Hyde ", " una mosca in città " cartoons by Grafimated. " Il viaggio clandestino. Vite di Santi e Peccatori " movie by Raul Ruiz 1993 " Un sogno di lumaca" short movie by Salvo Cuccia Avalon prod. 1995 " Terra Madre " short movie by Salvo Cuccia - Avalon prod. 1995 " Diario senza date " movie by Roberto Andò feat. Bruno Ganz 1995 " Peppino Impastato: storia di un siciliano libero " video by A. Bellia published by Il Manifesto " Ce ne ricorderemo di questo pianeta " a movie by Salvo Cuccia 2000 Oltre selinunte by salvo Cuccia 2007 Lavorare con lentezza a movie by Guido Chiesa - Fandango productions-2004

TEACHING EXPERIENCES (esperienze di insegnamento):

Saxophone 1984-85 at Django Reinhardt Music school palermo Saxophone 1992 - Open jazz school Palermo Lectures and workshops at Institute of History of Music, University of Palermo - Sonoma State College Music department - Time Flies Vancouver Canada- Fondazione Orestiadi di Gibellina- Mill's College Oakland California.

Selected Discography

1987 Gianni Gebbia GIANNI GEBBIA lp Soundevent rec. Se001- 1988 Gianni Gebbia Group ARABESQUES feat. P.Minafra lp Splasch 1988 Compilation 2 Top Jazz from Italy -Yvp music 3018 cd 1990 Gianni Gebbia -SOLO, DUETS, TRIO - cd Geb rec. reprint by Il Pontesonoro Pvd 9602. 1990 Gianni Gebbia Trio - OUTLAND - feat. M. Simonini cd splasch rec. H315 1990 Gianni Gebbia Trio - ZERO IN GEOMETRIA - lp Soundevent S003 1990 Enzo Rao -SHAMAL - cd Il pontesonoro PVD 96-03 1992 Enzo Rao -ACQUA DI MARE - cd Il pontesonoro PVD 96S06 reprinted as Ettna by Music ofthe World cd H309 Usa 1993 Gianni Gebbia-Peter Kowald- Gunther Sommer - CAPPUCCINI KLANG - cd Splasch rec. 1993 Glen Velez - PAN EROS - cd CMP rec. cd63 1993 compilation Sicilian jazz Collection ? vol I & II Splasch rec. 1993 Orselli Apuzzo Lalla 2 Canti di orme, sombreri e voli cd Le Parc music 510. 1993 ANGELICA 93 and 94 cd Cai Cai Music 003,004. 1994 G.Guarrella quartet LIVE at Festival Ibleo . cd CMC 9943-2 1995 Gianni Gebbia ? SOLOS ? cassette Soundevent S004 . 1995 Giorgio Occhipinti Hereo Nonetto The Kaos Legend - LeoLab 012 1995 Compilation LAVORI IN CORSO cd Stile Libero Virgin SL1024 1996 Gianni Gebbia -BODY LIMITS - cd Splasch rec. 1996 Francesco Cusa IMPASSE - cd Splasch rec. 609;2 1996 Gianni Gebbia - TERRA ARSA- cd More Music momus004 1996 Gianni Gebbia - IL LIBRO DEGLI EROI - cd Victo 051 1997 William Hooker, Lee Ranaldo feat. J. O' Rourke, G.Gebbia - CLOUDS - cd Victo 054 1997 Compilation - Tri lete druge godbe - D.Godba Lubjana Cdg002 1998 Gianni Gebbia - H PORTRAITS - cd rastascan rec. 1998 Gianni Gebbia - POSTILLE NEL TEMPO - cd Multirifrazione Mrf 1999 Gianni Gebbia-Damon Smith- Garth Powell - PEOPLE IN MOTION - Rastascan rec. 1999 Trionacria - THE MYSTIC REVELATION - Curva Minore cd CM01 New european saxophone quartet NESQ - cd Ava Bulgaria 05 2001 duets with M.Palma in ISOLE CHE PARLANO cd erosha 0156 2001 Brett Larner - ITADAKIMASU - Spool- Canada Stl 114- 2001 DELUXE IMPROVISATION SERIES Vol. 1 Ase Japan Ase02 Gianni Gebbia - Yousif Latif Jarallà ? GIROMIRIGIRO Tarot rec. Gebbia-Casadei-Villa feat. M.EL Badawi - MLUK 2001 Terra Arsa - BEOGRAD - Objet-a Stereo Supremo Gianni Gebbia XXII ARCANA MAIOR theTarot sessions StereoSupremo- Rastascan- 2002 G.Gebbia ? N.Wogram ? X.Garcia PRONTO ! Intakt rec. cd 2002 Gebbia-Giannetto-Nunn-Palma-Powell-Robair-Smith A NIGHT IN PALERMO Rastascan Brd0041 2002 Gebbia-Agouridakis-Papadimitriou PADIO+ DESEO ept Greece 2002 Fred Frith - Francois Chat/ SETACCIO cd Theatre du Chatelet 2003 HILDEGARD feat. Dr, Phibes and Goebius cd curva Minore 2004- G.Gebbia-G.Powell-M.Goodheart ZEN WIDOW Evander music- 2004 Soundtrack LAVORARE CON LENTEZZA cd Radio Fandango 014- 2005/ Gebbia-Ligeti-Pupillo THE WILLIAMSBURG SONATAS Wallace records 2006 G.Gebbia-D.Camarda DELL'INCERTEZZA Geya Records 2006/ Shatadoo feat.G.Gebbia N'DEISSAN Harpo records 06 - 2006 / Daisuke Fuwa - RADIO - Chirei records Japan- 2006 / Switters THE ANABAPTYST LOOP cd Improvvisatore Involontario 2006 Full Metal Klezmer SHACOR cd el gallo rojo- 2006/ guest in L.Lo Bianco La scomparsa di Maiorana cd Silta rec. 2006 - Gianni Gebbia DARUMA'S CALL cd objet-a - 2006 Piemonte World THE STARS LOOK VERY DIFFERENT TODAY…cd Musica 90 Turin 2007 - G.Gebbia- Stefano Giust DUETS cd Setola di maiale - 2007 Butch Morris - - Bologna Conduction- cd Rai trade - Gianni Gebbia/ Damon Smith/ Weasel Walter LICHENS exploded records 2007 - Gianni Gebbia-Theresa Wong NIGHT MAPPING 2007 - Riccardo Pittau Congregation - V IV MMV DEATH JAZZ cd Improvvisatore involontario 2008 dr:Leon Switters CURRENT TRENDS IN THE CONTEMPORARY ITALIAN MUSIC DISASTER VOL.III cd improvvisatore involontario 2008 -0011 2008- Zen Widow - QUODLIBET - 9 Winds records Beverly Hills California 2009 - Gianni Gebbia- Xabier Iriondo- Stefano Giust L'EDERA, IL COLLE, L'ERBA cd setola di
maiale. 2009 Domenico Sciajno DOVES DAYS IN PALERMO cd Bowindo recordings BW09

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Gianni Gebbia

On 6 August 2018, Gianni Gebbia was a guest on The Do!! You!!! Breakfast Show w/ Charlie Bones. Gianni Gebbia has been played over 20 times on NTS, first on 19 June 2016. Gianni Gebbia's music has been featured on 27 episodes.

GIANNI GEBBIA Alto & soprano saxophones - flute -various objects -

Born in Palermo - Italy- May 1st - 1961

FREELANCE COLLABORATIONS Evan Parker,Fred Frith, Louis Sclavis, Gianluigi Trovesi, Lindsay Cooper, Lars Hollmer, Sakis Papadimitriou, André Jaume,Steve Buchanan,Yves Romain, Dominique Regef, Jean Pierre Drouet,Sergey Kuriokhin, Vladimir Tarasov, AnatolyVapirov, Petras Visnaiuskas, Fred Giuliani, Vitas Labutis, Tadashi Endo, Masaki Iwana, Motoharu Yoshizawa, Julie Stanzak, Keiki Miridokawa, Heiner Goebbels, David Moss, Claudio Lo Cascio, Otomo Yoshihide, Antonio Carallo, Raul Ruiz, Noel Akchoté, Benoit Delbeq, Paul Rogers, Thierry Madiot, Guillaume Orti, Christophe Marguet, Hubert Dupont, Ernst Reijsiger, Henri Kaiser, Mari Kimura, Damon Smith, Garth Powell, Phil Gelb, Tim Perkis, Gino Robair, Tom Nunn, William Hooker, Lee Ranaldo, Jim O’ Rourke, Mimmo Cuticchio,Toti Garraffa, Floros Floridis, Lefteris Agouridakis, Antonello Salis, Pino Minafra, Salvatore Bonafede, Stefano D?Anna, Italian Instabile Orchestra, Peter Kowald, Gunther Sommer, Oliver Lake, Glen Velez, Enzo Rao, Tiziano Popoli, Miriam Palma, Lelio Giannetto, Vittorio Villa, Francesco Cusa, Massimo Simonini, Jim Meneses, Jean Marc Montera, Roy Paci, Francesco Cusa, Lukas Ligeti, Xavier Garcia, Nils Wogram, Michael Manring, Kazuhisa Uchihashi, Carl Stone, Shinichi Isohata, Ramon Lopez, Jon Raskin, Weasel Walter, Wu Ming 1, William Wynant. Note: I apologise for all the friends I am forgetting in this list, sorry.

FESTIVALS: Imola Jazz at the Rock, International Jazz festival Sofia Bulgaria, Palermo Fusion Time, Gibellina Etnojazz, Varna Jazz festival Bulgaria, Roccella Ionica Rumori Mediterranei, Total Music Meeting Berlin FMP 1990, Sibiu International Jazz Festival Romania, Wuppertal Jazzspektakel, B.I.D; Berlin, The importance of return tickets-Podewil Berlin, Faenza Folkfestival, S.Arcangelo dei Teatri, Noci Europa Jazz festival, Clusone Jazz, BolzanoJazz Summer, Metastasio Jazz 99, Mulhouse Jazz festival 96-98, Rive De Gier, Angelica Bologna, Jazz Bo-Bologna, Ayler Festival Roma, Concentus Musicus Firenze, Verona Jazzitalia, Macchina dei Rumori Palermo, Curva Minore 97-98, Dreamin' California Palermo 98, Suoni del 900 Teatro Massimo-Palermo, Festival Internazionale sul Novecento Palermo 98, Sord- Nud-Palermo 96, Palermo di Scena 96-97-98, Sicilia Jazzestate Catania, Festival Ibleo del Jazz Ragusa 93-94-95-96, Jazz aux Pyramides Welkenraedt- Belgium, Obiettivo Giappone Roma Palazzo delle Esposizioni, Europa Jazz Festival Le Mans-France, Jazz e interferenze Schio, Link Bologna, Druga Godba Lubjana-Slovenia, Ring Ring Beograd 98, Butoh Festial London 96, Theater X Tokyo, Contemporary Sicily-The New School New York, The Red RoomBaltimore,TimeFlies-Vancouver-Canada, Brooklyn College N.Y. Beanbender's Berkeley-California, Fimav 97 Victoriaville Quebéc- Canada, Les Inaccottoumés Paris- Menagerie de verre, International Jazz festival Saalfelden 1999, Controindicazioni 99 Rome, Icebreaker festival Wien 99. Japan tour March 2000, Usa West Coast April 2000 Portland, Munchen 2000, Noci fest. 2000, Womad in Palermo, Rive De Gier October 2000,Groningen Zomer Jazz festival, Butoh festival Palermo 2000, Curva Minore 2000 pa, Akut Mainz 2000, Rive De Gier 2001, Dansem Marseille 2001. Northsea Jazz Festival 2003. Le trois Jours Groningen. Jazz Nomades Paris,Mulhouse jazz 2004, Beyond the Innocence 2005-2006- Osaka.

AWARDS (premi e riconoscimenti):

4rth place 1988 Top Jazz poll " Musica Jazz " magazine 3rd place 1989 Top Jazz poll " Musica Jazz " magazine 1st place 1990 Top Jazz poll " Musica Jazz " magazine Artistic Director Festival di Musica Euroaraba, Palermo Palazzo Steri Artistic Director Palermo di Scena 1997-1998 International Summer Festival of the City of Palermo. Artistic program curator International festival " Curva Minore pratiche inusuali del fare musica " 1997-2000. Director of Objet-a series Stereo Supremo recording label. Articles, interwiews, rewiews appeared on: Musica Jazz, La Repubblica, L'Ora, Giornale di Sicilia, Panorama, Linea D?Ombra, Blu Jazz, Jazz, Improjazz, Jazz Magazine, Jazzthetik, Jazz Podium, Rubberneck, Jazz Hopt, Il Mucchio Selvaggio, Fare Musica, The New York Times (inter. by Ben Rattliff), Coda, The Wire, Jazziz ( S. Prestianni) Dec.98 issue, Il Manifesto, Frankfurter Rundschau, Penguin Guide of Jazz, Grove Dictionary of Music, European Free Improvisation web site, Margen Spain 2002.

SOUNDTRACKS (colonne sonore per video e film): " Solo " video by Salvo Cuccia Avalon prod. 1993 " Shiki " video by Salvo Cuccia Avalon prod. 1993 " Thriller ", " Dr;Jekyll and Mister Hyde ", " una mosca in città " cartoons by Grafimated. " Il viaggio clandestino. Vite di Santi e Peccatori " movie by Raul Ruiz 1993 " Un sogno di lumaca" short movie by Salvo Cuccia Avalon prod. 1995 " Terra Madre " short movie by Salvo Cuccia - Avalon prod. 1995 " Diario senza date " movie by Roberto Andò feat. Bruno Ganz 1995 " Peppino Impastato: storia di un siciliano libero " video by A. Bellia published by Il Manifesto " Ce ne ricorderemo di questo pianeta " a movie by Salvo Cuccia 2000 Oltre selinunte by salvo Cuccia 2007 Lavorare con lentezza a movie by Guido Chiesa - Fandango productions-2004

TEACHING EXPERIENCES (esperienze di insegnamento):

Saxophone 1984-85 at Django Reinhardt Music school palermo Saxophone 1992 - Open jazz school Palermo Lectures and workshops at Institute of History of Music, University of Palermo - Sonoma State College Music department - Time Flies Vancouver Canada- Fondazione Orestiadi di Gibellina- Mill's College Oakland California.

Selected Discography

1987 Gianni Gebbia GIANNI GEBBIA lp Soundevent rec. Se001- 1988 Gianni Gebbia Group ARABESQUES feat. P.Minafra lp Splasch 1988 Compilation 2 Top Jazz from Italy -Yvp music 3018 cd 1990 Gianni Gebbia -SOLO, DUETS, TRIO - cd Geb rec. reprint by Il Pontesonoro Pvd 9602. 1990 Gianni Gebbia Trio - OUTLAND - feat. M. Simonini cd splasch rec. H315 1990 Gianni Gebbia Trio - ZERO IN GEOMETRIA - lp Soundevent S003 1990 Enzo Rao -SHAMAL - cd Il pontesonoro PVD 96-03 1992 Enzo Rao -ACQUA DI MARE - cd Il pontesonoro PVD 96S06 reprinted as Ettna by Music ofthe World cd H309 Usa 1993 Gianni Gebbia-Peter Kowald- Gunther Sommer - CAPPUCCINI KLANG - cd Splasch rec. 1993 Glen Velez - PAN EROS - cd CMP rec. cd63 1993 compilation Sicilian jazz Collection ? vol I & II Splasch rec. 1993 Orselli Apuzzo Lalla 2 Canti di orme, sombreri e voli cd Le Parc music 510. 1993 ANGELICA 93 and 94 cd Cai Cai Music 003,004. 1994 G.Guarrella quartet LIVE at Festival Ibleo . cd CMC 9943-2 1995 Gianni Gebbia ? SOLOS ? cassette Soundevent S004 . 1995 Giorgio Occhipinti Hereo Nonetto The Kaos Legend - LeoLab 012 1995 Compilation LAVORI IN CORSO cd Stile Libero Virgin SL1024 1996 Gianni Gebbia -BODY LIMITS - cd Splasch rec. 1996 Francesco Cusa IMPASSE - cd Splasch rec. 609;2 1996 Gianni Gebbia - TERRA ARSA- cd More Music momus004 1996 Gianni Gebbia - IL LIBRO DEGLI EROI - cd Victo 051 1997 William Hooker, Lee Ranaldo feat. J. O' Rourke, G.Gebbia - CLOUDS - cd Victo 054 1997 Compilation - Tri lete druge godbe - D.Godba Lubjana Cdg002 1998 Gianni Gebbia - H PORTRAITS - cd rastascan rec. 1998 Gianni Gebbia - POSTILLE NEL TEMPO - cd Multirifrazione Mrf 1999 Gianni Gebbia-Damon Smith- Garth Powell - PEOPLE IN MOTION - Rastascan rec. 1999 Trionacria - THE MYSTIC REVELATION - Curva Minore cd CM01 New european saxophone quartet NESQ - cd Ava Bulgaria 05 2001 duets with M.Palma in ISOLE CHE PARLANO cd erosha 0156 2001 Brett Larner - ITADAKIMASU - Spool- Canada Stl 114- 2001 DELUXE IMPROVISATION SERIES Vol. 1 Ase Japan Ase02 Gianni Gebbia - Yousif Latif Jarallà ? GIROMIRIGIRO Tarot rec. Gebbia-Casadei-Villa feat. M.EL Badawi - MLUK 2001 Terra Arsa - BEOGRAD - Objet-a Stereo Supremo Gianni Gebbia XXII ARCANA MAIOR theTarot sessions StereoSupremo- Rastascan- 2002 G.Gebbia ? N.Wogram ? X.Garcia PRONTO ! Intakt rec. cd 2002 Gebbia-Giannetto-Nunn-Palma-Powell-Robair-Smith A NIGHT IN PALERMO Rastascan Brd0041 2002 Gebbia-Agouridakis-Papadimitriou PADIO+ DESEO ept Greece 2002 Fred Frith - Francois Chat/ SETACCIO cd Theatre du Chatelet 2003 HILDEGARD feat. Dr, Phibes and Goebius cd curva Minore 2004- G.Gebbia-G.Powell-M.Goodheart ZEN WIDOW Evander music- 2004 Soundtrack LAVORARE CON LENTEZZA cd Radio Fandango 014- 2005/ Gebbia-Ligeti-Pupillo THE WILLIAMSBURG SONATAS Wallace records 2006 G.Gebbia-D.Camarda DELL'INCERTEZZA Geya Records 2006/ Shatadoo feat.G.Gebbia N'DEISSAN Harpo records 06 - 2006 / Daisuke Fuwa - RADIO - Chirei records Japan- 2006 / Switters THE ANABAPTYST LOOP cd Improvvisatore Involontario 2006 Full Metal Klezmer SHACOR cd el gallo rojo- 2006/ guest in L.Lo Bianco La scomparsa di Maiorana cd Silta rec. 2006 - Gianni Gebbia DARUMA'S CALL cd objet-a - 2006 Piemonte World THE STARS LOOK VERY DIFFERENT TODAY…cd Musica 90 Turin 2007 - G.Gebbia- Stefano Giust DUETS cd Setola di maiale - 2007 Butch Morris - - Bologna Conduction- cd Rai trade - Gianni Gebbia/ Damon Smith/ Weasel Walter LICHENS exploded records 2007 - Gianni Gebbia-Theresa Wong NIGHT MAPPING 2007 - Riccardo Pittau Congregation - V IV MMV DEATH JAZZ cd Improvvisatore involontario 2008 dr:Leon Switters CURRENT TRENDS IN THE CONTEMPORARY ITALIAN MUSIC DISASTER VOL.III cd improvvisatore involontario 2008 -0011 2008- Zen Widow - QUODLIBET - 9 Winds records Beverly Hills California 2009 - Gianni Gebbia- Xabier Iriondo- Stefano Giust L'EDERA, IL COLLE, L'ERBA cd setola di
maiale. 2009 Domenico Sciajno DOVES DAYS IN PALERMO cd Bowindo recordings BW09

Original source

Recent episodes

Most played tracks

Vedersi Passare Le Cose Attorno
Gianni Gebbia
Sound Event1987
I Due Samurai
Gianni Gebbia
Sound Event1987
Gianni Gebbia
Sound Event1987
Osso Di Seppia
Gianni Gebbia
Sound Event1987
Bring Flowers
Gianni Gebbia, Garth Powell, Damon Smith
Rastascan Records1999
People In Motion
Gianni Gebbia, Garth Powell, Damon Smith
Rastascan Records1999
Love In There
Gianni Gebbia, Garth Powell, Damon Smith
Rastascan Records1999
Gianni Gebbia
Geist der Utopie
Gianni Gebbia
Gianni Gebbia
Sound Event1987

Tracks featured on