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Renaud Capuçon

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Renaud Capuçon

Renaud Capuçon has been played on NTS in shows including Kit Records, featured first on 16 September 2018. Songs played include Tabula Rasa and Syrinx For Solo Flute.

The leading French violinist of his generation, Renaud Capuçon is established internationally as a soloist and chamber musician of distinction.

Born in Chambéry, he studied at the Paris Conservatoire, winning first prizes for both violin and chamber music. In 1995, he won the Prize of the Berlin Academy of Arts and went on to study with Thomas Brandis and later, Isaac Stern, Shlomo Mintz and Augustin Dumay. At the invitation of Claudio Abbado he became concertmaster of the…

Tabula Rasa
Arvo Pärt, Orchestre De Chambre De Lausanne, Renaud Capuçon
Tabula Rasa
Arvo Pärt, Orchestre De Chambre De Lausanne, Renaud CapuçonErato2021
Syrinx For Solo Flute
Debussy, Renaud Capuçon, Bertrand Chamayou, Gérard Caussé, Emmanuel Pahud, Marie-Pierre Langlamet, Edgar Moreau
Erato, Warner Classics2017
Syrinx For Solo Flute
Debussy, Renaud Capuçon, Bertrand Chamayou, Gérard Caussé, Emmanuel Pahud, Marie-Pierre Langlamet, Edgar MoreauErato, Warner Classics2017