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Andreas Kneller

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Andreas Kneller

Andreas Kneller has been played on NTS shows including Open Hand Real Flames , with Präludium Und Fuge, E-Dur first played on 23 January 2019.

Andreas Kneller (variants: Kniller, Knöller, Knüller) (23 April 1649 – 24 August 1724) was a German composer and organist of the North German school. Born in Lübeck, he was the younger brother of portrait painter Sir Godfrey Kneller. Nothing certain is known about his musical education, though he may have learnt from Franz Tunder (1614-1667), organist of St. Mary's Church, Lübeck, or his own uncle Matthias Weckmann (ca. 1616-1674), organist of St. Jacob's Church, Hamburg. In 1667, he became organist…

Recently played on:
Präludium Und Fuge, E-Dur
Hieronymus Praetorius, Joachim Decker, Christoph Bernhard, Andreas Kneller, Matthias Weckmann, Vincent Lübeck, Georg Ph. Telemann, Knabenschola Von St. Petri, Kantorei St. Petri, Der Instrumentalkreis Der Hamburger Bachkantaten, Helmut Tramnitz
Präludium Und Fuge, E-Dur
Hieronymus Praetorius, Joachim Decker, Christoph Bernhard, Andreas Kneller, Matthias Weckmann, Vincent Lübeck, Georg Ph. Telemann, Knabenschola Von St. Petri, Kantorei St. Petri, Der Instrumentalkreis Der Hamburger Bachkantaten, Helmut TramnitzMetronome0