Black Lives Matter

02.06.20 words by Will Dickson

We've compiled a hub of resources below to help our listeners educate themselves on the history of institutionalised racial violence, take action digitally or physically, and donate to anti-racist organisations and causes.

This list is by no means exhaustive, we welcome suggestions and will try to keep it updated. Reach out to if you have something you'd like added to this list.


Ahmaud Arbery Fund
Anti-Police Terror Project
Bail Fund Donation Splitter
Bail Funds + Legal Help (city by city)
Black Lives Matter
Black Socialists in America
Black Visions Collective
Campaign Zero
Community Justice Exchange Bail Funds
George Floyd Memorial Fund
Minnesota Freedom Fund
NAACP Legal Defence Fund
North Star Health Collective
Reclaim The Block & Reclaim The Block's Fund Our Movement
Twin Cities DSA Solidarity Fund
UNEafro (Brasil)
Holistic Life Fund DC
Mt. Pleasant Baptist Building Fund (DC)
The Black Curriculum (UK)
United We Dream
Sistah Space - A Space For African Heritage Domestic Violence Survivors
Fund Justice - A browsable database for organisations, bail funds, and black-owned businesses


Anti Racism Resources - a Google Doc compiled by
The Color of Fear - 1994 documentary on race relations
How To Support Black Lives in The UK - a list of resources by @perkin_amalaraj
Boston Review Radical Political Action Reading List
Anti-Racism Resources List for White People
Watch Blood Ah Go Run by Menelik Shabazz, and other films in Culture Art Society's African Cinema & Diaspora Film List
The Central Park Five - documentary by Ken Burns
Walker Art Center - Creative Black Music Archives
Dweller Electronics Library
Abolitionist Futures Reading List
Mental Health Issues Facing The Black Community
Examining Mental Health Issues Among Black Men – A Guide To Freedom - a free financial web resource accredited by the Better Business Bureau
ELFI - a guide to scholarships for black and African American students

Black Mental Health - Treatment Over Incarceration


26 Ways To Be In The Struggle Beyond The Police
BLM - #DefundThePolice petition
Teach Britain's colonial past as part of the UK's compulsory curriculum - Government petition
Southern Poverty Law Centre - Fighting Hate
Justice For Belly Mujinga
What to do if you can't donate right now - a Twitter thread
Black Lives Matter - Ways You Can Help
Finimpact - How To Support Black-Owned Small Business
Save Latin Village

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