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Barcelona , 30.12.23

It's about a man, he is a weirdo and a decadent junkie who lives alone in a studio apartment on the third floor of a half-abandoned condominium, on the outskirts of some big city. it's Monday or Tuesday, after a weekend of madness and violence, he spends the day lying in bed, with the window open and the TV turned on at a very low volume. Some noises creep from outside: a piano teacher giving a lesson, a couple arguing, the singing of an old woman, cries of children playing in the street and dogs barking at passing cars. In the afternoon state of half-sleep all those sounds mix together in a soundtrack that accompanies his dreams and visions… Is there a woman watching him hidden behind the bathroom door? Is she a ghost or is she a memory?

Supporter Radio

This mix was made by an NTS listener like you, for Supporter Radio: Dreams. Be the first to know about the next series of Supporter Radio and submit your own mix for playout by signing up as an NTS Supporter.

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