New Zealand guitarist Roy Montgomery's music was once described by NPR journalist Lars Gotrich as "swimming through phantoms" – it may sound like an overwrought analogy at first, but simply spend half an hour enveloped in Montgomery's tones, and you'll understand.
Originally a part of Pin Group in the 1980s, releasing Joy Division-indebted post-punk on the revered Wellington label Flying Nun records, Montgomery eventually unmoored himself from the strictures of verse-chorus-verse songwriting, and other musicians entirely, composing drifting, gauzy guitar instrumentals that channeled his own personal grief and loneliness into a seductively baleful magic.
Self proclaimed “Underground and Black”, Detroit native Ash Lauryn leads her musical charge with a candid love for the historical roots of dance music, and the power of reclamation in modern day America.
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Francesco Fusaro, the man behind MFZ Records and classical music recording series 19'40'', brings a considered and varied selection of baroque, classical and contemporary music for a full two hours each month.
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