Sketchbook was the LA beat night started by Kutmah back in 2004 and was the breeding ground for artists like Daedelus, Ras G, Dibiase, Georgia Anne Muldrow, Teebs and Flying Lotus. Now it's radio reincarnation is on this side of the Atlantic. Lock in.
Francesco Fusaro, the man behind MFZ Records and classical music recording series 19'40'', brings a considered and varied selection of baroque, classical and contemporary music for a full two hours each month.
Francesco Fusaro, the man behind MFZ Records and classical music recording series 19'40'', brings a considered and varied selection of baroque, classical and contemporary music for a full two hours each month.
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Francesco FusaroFrancesco Fusaro E, F, S, T
Walter CarlosWalter Carlos Prelude And Fugue No. 2 In C Minor