Kyle Ng and Ed Davis' cult label Brain Dead test the radio waters… Ruminations in gutter punk, old psych, experimental noise and all other records with attitude.
Soundcloud curator-turned-DJ, Grrl, handles the wheel one Thursday each month between two and three in the early morning. Neoprene muffled helium vocals bounce over chrome-addled club soundtracks - an extremely broad spectrum of the internet-born club sound.
Soundcloud curator-turned-DJ, Grrl, handles the wheel one Thursday each month between two and three in the early morning. Neoprene muffled helium vocals bounce over chrome-addled club soundtracks - an extremely broad spectrum of the internet-born club sound.
BrodinskiBrodinski Gang (Salva Remix)
Jimmy EdgarJimmy Edgar BENT (Feat. Hudson Mohawke)