Anthony Chalmers, promoter of Baba Yaga's Hut, London's top night for left-field & experimental music visits NTS for a monthly showcase of his heavy collection, which spans jazz, dub, stoner rock, psych, electronic & more.
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Kit Records founder Richard Greenan offers a tropical hangover tonic of off-beam electronics, weird field recordings and feel good pop wonk. Old, new, borrowed, blue.
Kit Records founder Richard Greenan offers a tropical hangover tonic of off-beam electronics, weird field recordings and feel good pop wonk. Old, new, borrowed, blue.
Phil SmithPhil Smith Prelude To The Hinterhof (For L.G.)
Scott WalkerScott Walker The Amorous Humphrey Plugg
Hans Abrahamsen, Hans Abrahamsen, ensemble rechercheensemble recherche Canon 2A: Lustig Spielend, Aber Nicht Zu Lustig, Immer Ein Bißchen Melancholisch