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18:00 - 20:00

Apiento, a.k.a Paul Byrne runs the invaluable Test Pressing blog and releases music on World Building, World Unknown and more. His show has that esoteric techno thing and whatever suits the mood…

17:00 - 19:00

"A dive into the label Futurepast with Davy, Johannes and Camille sharing their inspirations and the sound of futurepast with tracks from the label itself as well as two mixes from T.a.m.22_Davy and Jvh Mogus as well as unreleased tracks and some forthcoming bits from Dylan Thomas."

LABOUR w/ Assane Mboup

DAKAR, 11.04.22

This month’s show features the great Senegalese singer and bandleader, Assane Mboup, immediately recognisable by the unique and high register of his voice, with focus on his albums Nate-Yi (1997), Firangue (1998), and Tresor (2004), many tracks of which include past featured artists such as Pape Ndiaye Guewel on sabar and Ndeye Marie Ndiaye Gaolo on backup vocals. Thrown in the mix is the latest hit by contemporary Senegalese duo, Akhlou Brick with their single 'Famous' released last month.


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