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Drifting into a new day with Maria Somerville, live from Ireland's wild west coast.

07:00 - 08:00

One hour of sonic snippets from the surreal universe of Shuji Terayama - the poet, playwright, filmmaker, boxing commentator, horse racing tipster and artist – who shook the foundations of 20th Century Japanese society with his provocative visual style and avant-garde worldview. Selected by @shujiterayamaoffice.

Pulling Threads w/ MI-EL - on white supremacist imperialism, palestinian liberation and the bisimwa family tree
Pulling Threads w/ MI-EL - on white supremacist imperialism, palestinian liberation and the bisimwa family tree
25.10.23 · London

Pulling Threads w/ MI-EL - on white supremacist imperialism, palestinian liberation and the bisimwa family tree

Story time with mi-el as she traces the lines between Palestinian struggle and the history of White Supremacist Imperialism through the lens of her family history, offering an insight into the many ways in which we are all connected to the current international crisis.


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