Live now
19:00 - 20:00

Pioneers of the contemporary UK scene, Borough spotlight underrated artists, deep-dive into London culture, and provide a platform for emerging talent across the city’s electronic and hip-hop landscapes. Featuring Killcaskets, DJ AVPR1A, Jöno and Flippedcrosses, this guest hour explores the evolving sounds and voices driving their scene forward.

19:05 - 20:00

The Melbourne label invites 5AM - the new project from Japanese producers Powder, 5ive, and Andry.

OnoTesla w/ John Chantler
OnoTesla w/ John Chantler
19.10.24 · Manchester

OnoTesla w/ John Chantler

Onotesla (Ono-Tesla tapes) is a Rīga based program that was originally started by Michael Holland and Paddy Shine in the Manchester studios but has since developed a nomadic exploratory based structure highlighting experimental rhythmic based music made mostly by outsiders. 


  • Rea Mauranen Kristiina Halkola
    Tuhannen Runon Antologiaa Lukiessa
  • Kemialisset Ystavat
    Alempana Kuin Enkelit
  • Thomas Wiehe 
    Bossa I Det Blå
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  • Pihasoittajat 
    Manalan Neiti
  • Marja Ahti
    The Threshold
  • Koma Saxo 
    Natt Koma

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    Click the record icon next to any track to save it. Find all your saved tracks in My NTS.
  • Koma Saxo 
    Portal Koma
  • Unionen 
  • Ahmed
    African Bossa Nova (Fragment)
  • Ahmed
    Rooh (The Soul) (Fragment)
  • John Chantler
    Steve Noble
  • John Chantler 
    Tomorrow Is Too Late
  • John Chantler
    Doing Nothing
  • Lisa Ullén 
    After Sun (6 June 2023)
  • Isak Hedtjärn 
    Kvarpan I
  • Isak Hedtjärn 
    Kvarpan II
  • Lauri Hyvärinen & Jukka Kääriäinen
    Masochistic, Thankless Job
  • Lauri Hyvärinen & Jukka Kääriäinen
  • Lena Ekmman, Jan Hammarlund, Turid
    Santiago Är I Sorg
  • Thomas Wiehe 

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