Pioneers of the contemporary UK scene, Borough spotlight underrated artists, deep-dive into London culture, and provide a platform for emerging talent across the city’s electronic and hip-hop landscapes.
Featuring Killcaskets, DJ AVPR1A, Jöno and Flippedcrosses, this guest hour explores the evolving sounds and voices driving their scene forward.
Onotesla (Ono-Tesla tapes) is a Rīga based program that was originally started by Michael Holland and Paddy Shine in the Manchester studios but has since developed a nomadic exploratory based structure highlighting experimental rhythmic based music made mostly by outsiders.
Onotesla (Ono-Tesla tapes) is a Rīga based program that was originally started by Michael Holland and Paddy Shine in the Manchester studios but has since developed a nomadic exploratory based structure highlighting experimental rhythmic based music made mostly by outsiders.
Rea Mauranen Kristiina HalkolaRea Mauranen Kristiina Halkola Tuhannen Runon Antologiaa Lukiessa
Kemialisset YstavatKemialisset Ystavat Alempana Kuin Enkelit