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Sounds Of Resistance: Songs from the Central American Struggle

Managua, 21.05.24

This episode explores the music written and performed by leftwing artists, recorded during the various civil wars in Central America in the '70s + '80s.

These groups struggled to address deep-seated issues such as extreme inequality, poverty, and lack of political representation in Central America, against right wing Governments, who with the backing of the United States committed a litany of human rights abuses including the Mayan genocide.

Music in the show includes tracks by famed Nicaraguan songwriter Luis Enrique Mejía Godoy and Los Torogoces de Morazán, a group of peasant folk musicians from El Salvador founded in 1981. They carried their guitars, accordion, and drums into battle zones, providing moral support to the guerrilla, as well as entertaining sympathetic communities in liberated zones.

This show is in no way an endorsement of the current Nicaraguan government and hopes for peace and prosperity for all the peoples of Central America.

Translation Doc


  • 0:00:08
    Luis Enrique Mejía Godoy 
    Juan Terremoto
  • --:--
    Grupo Pueblo 
    Somos Los Libertadores
  • 0:06:00
    Cutumay Camones 
    Feliciano Ama
  • Cutumay Camones 
    Comandante Clelia
  • Luis E. Mejía G. 
    Para Luchar Y Quererte
  • Yolocamba Ita 
    Poema de Amor
  • Grupo Pancasán 
    Cancion Para Un Reo Político
  • Gabino Palomares Y Amparo Ochoa
    La Maldición De Malinche
  • Grupo Pancasán 
    De La Libertad Del Pueblo
  • Los Torogoces De Morazan
    Heroico Morazán
  • Los Torogoces De Morazán
    Som Combatiente Del FMLN
  • Iolocamba-I-Ta 
    Homenaje A Los Heroes Del 32
  • Los Torogoces De Morazán
    Toda Centroamérica
  • Canción Del Guerrillero
    Song Of The Guerrilla Fighter (Guatemalan Guerrilla Song)
  • Los Sonadores De Sarawaska 
    En Bocaycito Hicimos Los Planes
  • Grupo Pancasán 
    Requiem A La Muerte
  • Los Sonadores De Sarawaska 
    Salgamos Juntos de la Ignorancia
  • Cutumay Camones
    Díganle que no se meta
  • Los Torogoces De Morazan
    Saludo Soy Guerrillero
  • Mario Montenegro Brenes
    Nunca Es Tarde Mi Compa
  • Amparo Ochoa
    Asalto Al Palacio (Assault At The Palace)
  • Carlos, Luis Enrique Mejía Godoy 
    Raiti Bocay
  • Jorge Isaac Carvallo
    Campesino Aprende A Leer
  • Banda Tepeuani 
    Regalo Para El Niño
  • Pablo Martínez Téllez 
    Hay Que Aprender A Leer
  • El Indio 
    Las Pesadillas De Blandon
  • El Salvadoran Youth Group
    No A La Intervención (No To Intervention
  • Grupo Pancasan