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Love Letter to my Home: Taipei

New York, 21.08.22

This playlist is my love letter to Taipei–the city I grew up in. When I received the prompt from NTS, I decided I would make a playlist in remembrance of what I lost when me and my family moved to the West. For me, these are the songs that remind me of the humid summer rain, the smell of the old draping banyan trees and the chanting of old men selling rice dumplings from their street carts. I’m dedicating this to my friends and families across the world, but it’s also my hope that whoever listens to this will be able to enjoy a piece of my childhood with these nostalgic and bittersweet Taiwanese melodies.

Supporter Radio

This mix was made by an NTS listener like you, for the first series of Supporter Radio: Summer Of Love. Be the first to know about the next series of Supporter Radio and submit your own mix for playout by signing up as an NTS Supporter.

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  • 歐陽菲菲 (Ouyang FeiFei)
  • 王芷雷 (Wang Zhi Lei)
    台北的天空 (The Sky Of Taipei)
  • 蕭孋珠 
  • 齊豫 (Chyi Yu)
    鄉間的小路 (Country Roads)
  • 葉佳修
    踏著夕陽歸去 (Stepping Away Into The Sunset)
  • 齊豫 
    橄欖樹 The Olive Tree
  • 包美聖
  • 黃鶯鶯 (Tracy Huang)
    雲河 (River Of Clouds)
  • 潘安邦
    恰似你的溫柔 (Akin To Your Gentleness)
  • 鄧麗君 
  • 鄭怡
    小雨來的正是時候 (The Rain Came At Just The Right Time)
  • 郭金發
  • 江蕙 (Jody Chiang)
    港都夜雨 (Night Rain In The Port City)
  • 文夏 (Wen Xia)
    北國之春 (Spring In The Northern Country)
  • 張琍敏
  • 歐陽菲菲(Ouyang FeiFei)
    明日戀情 (Love Affairs Of Tomorrow)
  • 鄧麗君(Teresa Teng)
  • 歐陽菲菲 (Ouyang FeiFei)