An hour of maritime folk music popularised during the age of commercial sail, from the late sixteenth up until the mid nineteenth century. Featuring shanties, the long and rhythmic work songs sung by crewmembers of packet ships, alongside the more up-beat forebitters or fo'c'sle songs, more often sung with instrumental accompaniment and reserved for off-duty hours.
An hour of maritime folk music popularised during the age of commercial sail, from the late sixteenth up until the mid nineteenth century. Featuring shanties, the long and rhythmic work songs sung by crewmembers of packet ships, alongside the more up-beat forebitters or fo'c'sle songs, more often sung with instrumental accompaniment and reserved for off-duty hours.
Tony Saletan With Cliff Haslam, Tony Saletan With Cliff Haslam, David Jones, David Jones, Gerret Warner, Gerret Warner, Jeff Warner, Jeff Warner, Joe Hickerson, Joe Hickerson, John Roberts, John Roberts, Louis Killen, Louis Killen, Tony BarrandTony Barrand Leave Her, Johnny, Leave Her
Bernie KlayBernie Klay The Sailor’s Alphabet
John Roberts & Tony BarrandJohn Roberts & Tony Barrand The Crayfish
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