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18:00 - 20:00

Apiento, a.k.a Paul Byrne runs the invaluable Test Pressing blog and releases music on World Building, World Unknown and more. His show has that esoteric techno thing and whatever suits the mood…

19:00 - 21:00

Consisting of the core creative duo of John Balance (formerly of Psychic TV) and Peter Christopherson (formerly of Throbbing Gristle), Coil emerged into the post-industrial era with a hunger for experimentation that was uncompromising and unparalleled. It led to a heaving discography covering ambient, neo folk, goth rock, and any strain of experimental music you could imagine. Their often otherworldly and beautiful creations explored fitting themes of the occult, dreams, drugs & sexuality. This In Focus is a two hour trip through the experimental universe of Coil.

Unsound w/ The Jon Gibson Group with Hubert Zemler & Miłosz Pękala

Krakow, 15.10.17

NTS returns to Krakow this year for the 2017 edition of Unsound, broadcasting music and interviews focused around the theme of 'Flower Power'. Unsound continues its vanguard programming with a far-reaching range of experimental and progressive artists including Batu, Philip Sherburne, Moor Mother, Octo Octa and more…

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