DJ, artist and techno impresario, Word of Command welds fevered collage and high-octane techno into a hallucinatory dreamscape. He is the founder of FIST (@funisstilltransgressive), a queer techno party that pays tribute to radical fun, while engaging the visibility of communities of otherness through techno in NYC.
DJ, artist and techno impresario, Word of Command welds fevered collage and high-octane techno into a hallucinatory dreamscape. He is the founder of FIST (@funisstilltransgressive), a queer techno party that pays tribute to radical fun, while engaging the visibility of communities of otherness through techno in NYC.
Hardcore MemoriesHardcore Memories Hekkla
The Sixth SenseThe Sixth Sense 3.1 (Sol Caballero)
Count Back From FiveCount Back From Five Ugent
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My Life Is A UniverseMy Life Is A Universe Scarecrow
A Man Died 2A Man Died 2 Bjarki
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J-R.BJ-R.B Askkin
Saint And SinnerSaint And Sinner David Löhlein
Ô Darcy (Jensen Interceptor's Y3K Edit)Ô Darcy (Jensen Interceptor's Y3K Edit) Gaiola Das Popozudas
PlasmaxPlasmax Cerrot
MistMist Sidewinder
El Alfa El JefeEl Alfa El Jefe UZI (Siu Mata Edit)
MurkMurk Lacchesi
Blue DawnBlue Dawn Emily_Jeanne
Classic Revisited Part 3Classic Revisited Part 3 The Hacker
Say HoSay Ho Wei.Xzy
When Lutes Were A ThingWhen Lutes Were A Thing Karenn