Expert selections all round: encompassing everything you know and love from Eclair Fifi. That's techno, electro, hip-hop, Latin Freestyle, early Warp Records material, and then a bunch of other stuff that's bound to surprise you.
DJ, artist and techno impresario, Word of Command welds fevered collage and high-octane techno into a hallucinatory dreamscape. He is the founder of FIST (@funisstilltransgressive), a queer techno party that pays tribute to radical fun, while engaging the visibility of communities of otherness through techno in NYC.
DJ, artist and techno impresario, Word of Command welds fevered collage and high-octane techno into a hallucinatory dreamscape. He is the founder of FIST (@funisstilltransgressive), a queer techno party that pays tribute to radical fun, while engaging the visibility of communities of otherness through techno in NYC.