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17:00 - 18:00

100% pretention-free party music from Berlin DJ AbuGlitsch – 60 minutes of club-ready rap, throwback Eurodance sounds, and double take-worthy mashups and edits.

Rio de Janeiro
17:00 - 19:00

Rio Doce, a deep dive into Brazilian music and its roots, with contributions from Caio Rosa and guests.

Broadcast - Trish's Toys & Techniques Birthday Tape (Part 2)
Broadcast - Trish's Toys & Techniques Birthday Tape (Part 2)


22.06.19 · London

Broadcast - Trish's Toys & Techniques Birthday Tape (Part 2)

With Broadcast

A 2016 birthday mix for Broadcast's Trish Keenan, compiled by the inimitable Toys & Techniques. RIP Trish, we miss you immensely.

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