It’s a journey —both sexual and non-sexual— through emotions and thoughts, moving quickly and slowly, yet never quite settling at any one point or feeling truly at home anywhere. Fear of death? Or of love? Perhaps just a curiosity about the chaos surrounding us? The only tangible sensation is a slight vibration, a tickle… Jesus was bisexual, and the butterfly flutters in the stomach —in Polish, „Jezus był biseksualny a motyl głaszczę żołądek” — yes, that’s the vibration.
I started creating mixes to accompany my painting process. Nearly all my mixes are inspired by sexuality, sensuality, the connection between femininity and masculinity, the fluidity of the human body, Polish avant-garde and German Neue Musik.
It’s a journey —both sexual and non-sexual— through emotions and thoughts, moving quickly and slowly, yet never quite settling at any one point or feeling truly at home anywhere. Fear of death? Or of love? Perhaps just a curiosity about the chaos surrounding us? The only tangible sensation is a slight vibration, a tickle… Jesus was bisexual, and the butterfly flutters in the stomach —in Polish, „Jezus był biseksualny a motyl głaszczę żołądek” — yes, that’s the vibration.
I started creating mixes to accompany my painting process. Nearly all my mixes are inspired by sexuality, sensuality, the connection between femininity and masculinity, the fluidity of the human body, Polish avant-garde and German Neue Musik.
Supporter Radio
This mix was made by an NTS listener like you, for Supporter Radio: Your Specialist Subject. Be the first to know about the next series of Supporter Radio and submit your own mix for playout by signing up as an NTS Supporter.
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