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Los Angeles
07:00 - 08:00

Nick Malkin hosts Post-Geography, featuring ambient and atmospheric selections, live from the NTS studio in L.A.

New York
07:00 - 08:00

Georgia are Justin Tripp and Brian Close - and they make music, videos, films and performances from their base in Chinatown, New York. Tune in for a monthly hour of oddball electronics; whether ambient or fit for the floor…

Liza Lim

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Liza Lim

Liza Lim has been played on NTS in shows including Slime w/ Little, featured first on 30 April 2017. Songs played include Diabolical Birds (1990) and Invisibility.

Liza Lim (born 30 August 1966 in Perth, Western Australia) is an Australian composer.

Lim writes concert music (chamber and orchestral works) as well as music theatre and has collaborated with artists on a number of installation and video projects. Her work reflects her interests in Asian ritual culture, the aesthetics of Aboriginal art and shows the influence of non-Western music performance practice.

At the age of 11, Lim was encouraged by her teachers at Presbyterian Ladies' College, Melbourne to…
