Cuban experimental band founded in 1969 by Alfredo Guevara, president from the "Instituto Cubano del Arte e Industria Cinematogr谩ficos" (ICAIC) to experiment with new sounds different from the typical folklore sounds of previous Cuban music. They were part of the Nueva Trova movement that emerged in Cuba in the late 60s.
Cuban experimental band founded in 1969 by Alfredo Guevara, president from the "Instituto Cubano del Arte e Industria Cinematogr谩ficos" (ICAIC) to experiment with new sounds different from the typical folklore sounds of previous Cuban music. They were part of the Nueva Trova movement that emerged in Cuba in the late 60s.
Isabel Parra Y Parte Del Grupo De Experimentaci贸n Sonora Del ICAICIsabel Parra Y Parte Del Grupo De Experimentaci贸n Sonora Del ICAIC Por Qu茅 Ser谩, Dios Del Cielo
Isabel Parra Y Parte Del Grupo De Experimentaci贸n Sonora Del ICAICIsabel Parra Y Parte Del Grupo De Experimentaci贸n Sonora Del ICAIC Que Sus Ojos, Que Su Pelo, Que Su Amor
Isabel Parra Y Parte Del Grupo De Experimentaci贸n Sonora Del ICAICIsabel Parra Y Parte Del Grupo De Experimentaci贸n Sonora Del ICAIC La Compa帽era Rescatable