An ectotherm is an organism reliant on environmental sources of heat to regulate body temperature. Ectotherm is also a Copenhagen-based record label founded by Courtesy and Mama Snake, home to releases from Schacke, Rune Bagge and Ibon.
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This program is curated by Ondas Representative, Dubby. It features artists, both well-known and unknown, with a unique aesthetic from a wide range of genres that used to be available at Ondas.
This program is curated by Ondas Representative, Dubby. It features artists, both well-known and unknown, with a unique aesthetic from a wide range of genres that used to be available at Ondas.
Tadayuki NaitohTadayuki Naitoh Night Train
Xerophonics Copying Machine MusicXerophonics Copying Machine Music Konica 4355
Omoide MaigoOmoide Maigo Bus Ratch
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Sorrel HaysSorrel Hays Celebration Of No From Beyond Violence