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New Zealand
03:00 - 05:33

New Zealand guitarist Roy Montgomery's music was once described by NPR journalist Lars Gotrich as "swimming through phantoms" – it may sound like an overwrought analogy at first, but simply spend half an hour enveloped in Montgomery's tones, and you'll understand. Originally a part of Pin Group in the 1980s, releasing Joy Division-indebted post-punk on the revered Wellington label Flying Nun records, Montgomery eventually unmoored himself from the strictures of verse-chorus-verse songwriting, and other musicians entirely, composing drifting, gauzy guitar instrumentals that channeled his own personal grief and loneliness into a seductively baleful magic.

Los Angeles
03:00 - 04:00

Brian Vidal brings a mixing pot of house, garage and skippy breaks directly from NTS' Los Angeles studio.

Liquid Mirror w/ Olive Kimoto
Liquid Mirror w/ Olive Kimoto
26.06.23 · Los Angeles

Liquid Mirror w/ Olive Kimoto

Liquid Mirror is the aural exploration of all intersections of ethereality with musician and artist Olive Kimoto. Interpreted eclectically, the monthly broadcast ranges from shoegaze and dream pop, to electronic and experimental.


  • 0:00:20
    花的腐烂 rotten flowers
  • 0:04:40
  • 0:08:35
    Love Spirals Downwards 
    City Moon
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    On the NTS archive as an NTS Supporter
  • Slowdive 
  • Draag 
  • Japanese Heart Software 

    Introducing save tracks

    Click the record icon next to any track to save it. Find all your saved tracks in My NTS.
  • Doss 
    Here Tonight
  • Full Body 2 
    Dancer's Theme
  • Cal Fish; Lily Konigsberg
    Softest Breathe
  • One Star 
    Cyril's Comic
  • Fashion Show
  • The Fertile Crescent 
    cant let you live again
  • The Sounds They Made 
    Feed You With My Kiss
  • untitled (halo) 
    El Prado Freestyle
  • Sepiatone
  • Eterna feat. Amalcrossing 
    I Remember Your Name
  • YL Hooi 

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