A special episode dedicated to Dante Alighieri, on the 700th anniversary of the great poet's death. A musical journey through Hell, Purgatory and Paradise!
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Broken club, dubbed out sounds, experimental electronics and atonal drifts: Gio’s monthly broadcasts are high contrast assemblages that move at a slow pace.
Broken club, dubbed out sounds, experimental electronics and atonal drifts: Gio’s monthly broadcasts are high contrast assemblages that move at a slow pace.
Michael O'SheaMichael O'Shea Anfa Dasachtach (Turbulent Storm)
PentPent Xy
DebitDebit 03-5th Night
Scott YoungScott Young Dub For Annie
?? The Children Of God Cult (Documentary Audio)
Church Universal And Triumphant, Church Universal And Triumphant, Inc. Featuring Elizabeth Clare ProphetInc. Featuring Elizabeth Clare Prophet Decree 10.05
Rev. Jim Jones' People's Temple ChoirRev. Jim Jones' People's Temple Choir Black Baby
Church Universal And Triumphant, Church Universal And Triumphant, Inc. Featuring Elizabeth Clare ProphetInc. Featuring Elizabeth Clare Prophet Call For Protection
Bobby BeausoleilBobby Beausoleil Dreamways Of The Mystic - Part 1
Aum ShinrikyoAum Shinrikyo Recruitmen Video 3 (Cartoon Portion)
Rev. Jim JonesRev. Jim Jones Allegory(Bonus Track) -Laurie Efrein Kahalas (1974)
Church Universal And Triumphant, Church Universal And Triumphant, Inc. Featuring Elizabeth Clare ProphetInc. Featuring Elizabeth Clare Prophet Decree 10.05 (Autotune Edit)